On Saturday 17th September give ACT your party vote. If you live in Epsom, as well as the party vote, also give Rodney Hide of ACT the electorate vote. DO this, and enjoy your freedom and tax cuts in a National led government with ACT as a partner. If Winston is involved ACT is the perfect partner to keep him honest..... Vote ACT.
*** Brillaint Result for Rodney winning Epsom ***
Vote ACT if you have lost religion but need to add something else to your life - like right wing economic theories which were fashionable about 20 years ago and are supported by the thinnest mathematical veneer.
Economics which are intelligent but obsessive, narrowly focussed, and cut off from the outside world - ie economic models which only operate in conditions that don't exist.
If you think that markets are a solution but also a problem - vote Labour or National
I dont agree with you anonymous...
Well if you've got a moment it would be nice to hear why you think rampant capitalism isn't just as much a problem as a solution?
You could always go the communistic way?
1 word prosperity...
That for people who work hard for it.
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