Monday, May 30, 2005

NZ PM may be called as witness.

According to the NZ Hearald... Prime Minister Helen Clark may yet be called as a witness in the motorcade case despite the prosecution deciding against it, a defence lawyer said yesterday.

Five police officers and a civilian driver are accused of dangerous driving after the Prime Minister's high-speed motorcade through the South Island last July.

A trial is set to start on August 1.

Defence lawyer Jonathan Eaton said the prosecution had indicated it would not call Helen Clark but other lawyers might.

I think this is a complete waste of time and public money. If the leader of a state or country is being transported in the name of public business, then the people in charge of transporting her or him should be able to use their judgement as to the best way and speed necessary to get the leaader to the destination.

You dont see President George Bush being called to the stand because his limo was travelling at 75MPH in 25 mph zone....

Although I don't condone illegal speeding in private vehicles, govt officials should be transported at the descretion of their handlers.

The fact that this is even going to court is a mockery.


Rob Good said...

This from Terry Wall

tried to post on the blog........ would not allow......... so here it is.....

Our PM, Helen, was not on real official business when speeding along...... She was in a rush to catch a flight so that she would not be late for a football game.....

High speeds, without real good reason, in built up areas with kids etc is prone to cause an accident. Perhaps she is lucky this did not happen.

Perhaps also she should be prosecuted along with the driver. It was her urging that pushed the pedal to the metal.

Footie is a great game and not to be missed......... but not at the expense of life and limb.

Terry Wall

Rob Good said...

I think that too much has been spent trying to take everyone to the ringer on this topic Terry. I dont condone speeding either, and if there was an accident there would be a different story.