For the program to be implemented and for the plates to be made, at least 7500 of the style of plates need to be ordered and paid for. The plates can be put on any vehicle and is not part of the YOM program, which is for 1972 and older vehicles only. Currently the most popular is the black and yellow plate which has 5383 orders.
I would like the blue and yellow plate for my 74 vehicle, since the DMV and YOM program currently will not allow me to put the original blue and yellow plates that came with the vehicle originally to be re registered to the car. I hope that we get to 7500 in the Blue and yellow plates, or the DMV changes the YOM program to enable all cars with blue and yellow plates originally issued, to be able to re register if you have the original plates.
The DMV website says that they have until January 1st 2015 to get the required 7500 paid orders of any one type of plate to start the program, so time to get cracking and order your legacy plate, or one as a gift for your friends and family.
Assemblyman Mike Gatto of Los Angeles 43rd district came up with this bill and I like it.
@CA_DMV @MikeGatto #CaliforniaLegacyPlates