Saturday, September 24, 2005

Time to support ACT

If you are happy that Rodney Hide won the Epsom electorate in the NZ elections, and if you are disappointed that ACT did not get the party vote support that you expected, then now is the time to step up and join ACT.

This is the time that the party needs to rebuild and your support is important. It is $10 to become a member of ACT and with your support ACT can rebuild and come back stronger next time. I encourage you to make a further donation over and above your membership. Everything helps.


Mike J. Stark said...

Copy that.
Will do mate - thinking I'd like to take a more active role with ACT in future, just have to make surrent things work right at the moment and then move on strong

Rob Good said...

Yes Mike, that is a good idea. You'd be a great asset for ACT.

Mike J. Stark said...

Cheers Mate

Political intrigue, yes

Just my opinion said...

Not only that but we need to educate those bloody Nats about MMP!


Rob Good said...

I am sure that they are learning every election that passes that is slipped through the cracks. Eventually they will see the light..... Pity it was not this time. At least wwe can say Rodney won fair and square.

Just my opinion said...

Exactly, he won it well and it surely pissed off a lot of Nats who think its's their god given right to be in Government.

I wouldn't even guarantee they will win in three years time either at this rate. What did we do wrong to deserve National as the main party of the right?

Rob Good said...

Well contrary to some peoples thinking, ACT is in a good position to rebuild and get the right people in place for the next election. THat election may be sooner rather than later, so it is best that we get onto it. National is getting better, and if ACT were not around I am sure that I'd be voting for them.

Aaron Bhatnagar said...

ACT is in a lousy position to try and rebuild! Unless you consider amputation of your legs an effective means of weight-loss!

Rob Good said...

Well we will have to wait and see Aaron. A lot of people are determined, and determination is a good thing. I guess you will be surprised again?