George W Bush the 43rd President of the USA is a lot smarter than most people believe. He was a figher pilot, that takes some brainpower. He received a MBA from Harvard, that takes some intelligence. He was Governor of Texas 4 times, that requires some smartness. He speaks fluent Spanish, that requires a some concentration and memory power. HE IS the President of the USA for the second term. A stupid person would have given up long ago......
I suspect he is smarter than we gave him credit for.
(Wan't the fighter pilot thing more of a dabble rather than a career?)
However, he's an evil money-grubber who will fund huge tax cuts giving money to his wealthy friends while half the country doesn't have healtcare and can't afford a proper education. And this is in the richest country in the world...
Sorry if I sound like a bleeding heart liberal here but in a country that can afford it, basic healthcare and education should be a right not a privelige to the rich. Sure not every health treatment should be paid for by the state but you should at least be patched up or given anit-biotics or whatever without being plunged into debt.
I am hoping to get my citizenship soon Annika...... Next time it will say I voted for President McCain.....
President Rice....
You guys are scaring me!
Vote Nader!
(Just kidding).
President Schwarzenneger.
Hmm... that doesn't sound good.
They would have to change the laws first before Arnold could run.... Not sure if the Americans will expose themselves to foreigners just this yet.... Otherwise I could run for President.....
I'd vote for you (if i could!).
Aaron i assume would be Sec State, but I'd be more than happy to take the Treasury & Woman's Affairs.
Cancel that, i'll have the CIA.
Then we'll know who realy shot Billy T!
Other than being smart, intelligent and brilliant, I strongly believe that this man that is the President of the United States of America - the most powerful nation - he's also cunning. How could he have stayed in power for this long?
Exactly, you can't win by an increased margin and do everything he has done without being clever and cunning.
McCain all the way next time too, not time for Rice yet.
Rice as VP if Hillary is anything to do with teh Democratic party.
Yeah, Hilary is the kiss of death. The USA will be like Canada, well not as limp wristed but close to it if Hilary gets the job.
True, True, have you commented on Go right Canada?
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